Friday, February 22, 2019

Things I think about Daily Volume 1

So, I posted a tweet on Twitter recently relating to this, but I wanted to expand on it to explain the background a little bit.
Some people might think I'm a cliché guy, saying cliché things, but I can assure you all that despite the clichés, I'm a real man, and the things I say about me may sound cliché, but are real about me.  Except for my name.  I protect my anonymity at all costs to:

• Protect myself.
• Protect my family members.
• More importantly keeps me from being exploited by folks who might want to do... well, "not-nice" things.  Things that could include violent actions from a misguided idea that I'm a gay man, despite my saying otherwise.

Let me be clear.  I'm a straight hetero man who is self-proclaimed to be an LGBTQ-ally.  I have family & friends who are a member of the LGBTQ community, and my belief is simple.  I wish them the same happiness and/or misery that any heterosexual couples, married & otherwise, undergo through their intimate relationship(s).

That all being said, here goes my thoughts about my tweet on Twitter regarding what I am looking for, what I want in my life, & what my goals are.  I want to express what kind of guy I am in the world of the ABDL community at-large.  I want people to know (w/o knowing my real identity) the real me.  To that end, I say the following as a response to that particular tweet, which can be read here!

I keep thinking to myself, "I can't be the only guy out there who:

• Is a virgin in every sense of the sexual term.  I've never kissed a girl, held hands with a girl, went on a date with a girl, etc.  Well, now I call girls "women", because saying "girl", to me, implies some lady under the legal age of 18, or 21 in some states.  I don't want to be associated with pedophiles in that regard.  I have my standards like everyone else, I would hope.
• Likes wearing #AdultDiapers, but are not into "adult baby" stuffs.
• Doesn't want nor need sex w/ women due to having been abused/assaulted sexually as a child.
• Also isn't gay, but does support #LGBTQEquality! I believe everyone is free to finding love with whomever they so choose, even if it's not with me.  Example, if I like a woman, but she says to me she's gay, I'm okay with that.  I just want nothing but happiness for her!
• Just wants a female companion who also enjoys wearing diapers for fun, but also uses them for practical applications as well.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want such things in life. Out of the billions of men on this planet Earth, I can't be the only one who thinks this way, or has feelings like these in which I feel like I.... well, I don't want to use the term "owed" something, but it'd be nice to believe that I, along with many millions of Americans, deserve some shred of happiness in my life despite having multiple physical & mental health problems (no, I'm not crazy, just have chronic lifelong depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder 2, stuff like that which is fairly common nowadays even without taking any kind of legal prescription medications or illegal drugs), and have lots of financial trouble.

I mean, yeah, the woman "purse" would be nice, but I wouldn't care if she's as poor as I am, as long as we're happy being together, and that she can take care of herself regardless of me, but I don't deny that having a woman "nurse" would help a lot.  Sometimes, I need a fresh set of ears, and of course a good set of eyes since I'm blind in one eye myself due to birth defects.  It would be nice to have a woman in my life that helps ease my anxiety, depression, etc.  

I don't think any of that is unreasonable.  Do you?  I hope not.  Because as it is with society now, having even reasonable goals are sometimes considered "unreasonable", and some think that any men who say such things about wanting a woman companion (w/o the sex) is still sexist!

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