Monday, May 27, 2019

The Disney film "Aladdin" live action vs. animated versions!

This morning's blog post is about the following tweet from Twitter:

Aladdin tweet (Remake live action film based on the original animated 1992 film of the same title!)

I'm a little biased towards the original 1992 animated film.   At the time, I had a crush on a young woman whom the character "Jasmine" reminded me of her.  A lot.  If things went differently in my life, I'm fairly certain she would've been "the one"!

By that, I mean "the one" who I'd have eventually opened up to about my struggles w/ bedwetting (until I was 13yrs old), my fantasies of wearing diapers & of women wearing diapers, etc.  Of course, it didn't happen like that, so I ended up being literally a 40yr old virgin!  Essentially, I have no doubt she would've been the one friend I would have admitted to in confidence about my ABDL (lean heavily towards being a "Diaper Lover") tendencies, resulting mainly from my years as a bedwetter. 

The memories that stick out most in my mind when I think of her from this movie's original 1992 animated version is how she was always warm, compassionate, wanting to help others any way she could, showing empathy & sympathy for other students & other people.  I remember one instance when, after I had the privilege & the honor to sit alongside this young lady who was my crush during that last year in grade school during lunch, we had our normal lunch recess time (play time).  After 30mins, the bell rang to go back to class, and I happen to witness a little girl, possibly a Kindergartner or 1st grade student in the same school, who fell after tripping on a tree root in the patch of grass next to the lunch tables.

She was crying hysterically, but not ONE person offered to help her up, or to get the school nurse, nothing.  Not even the playground monitors & faculty staff.  Until this young lady who was my main crush had seen that little girl crying, and walked up to her, knelt beside her, and tried to console her until a faculty member DID finally take notice.  It was that one instance of her showing empathy & graceful compassion with a soothing voice to help that little girl feel better, and that told me all I needed to know about that young lady, my crush. 

I wish sometimes I could reach out to that young lady, now of course probably married, has kids, etc, and let her know that is why I believe her to be the most kind & understanding young woman I know, even if our time at that school together was brief.  I want her to know that I respect her greatly for that one instance where I saw her helping others as much as she had helped me to cope with the bullying, my problems with an abusive home environment, and also having tons of medical problems from birth defects.  When I saw her doing the same thing for that little girl that she had done for me, I was extraordinary impressed. 

I was in awe of her showing kindness, understanding, compassion, empathy/sympathy, graceful friendliness, a good sense of humor, & genuinely wanted to help people.  If I ever have to do a tribute speech about anyone I feel is worthy of tribute, it would be her.  The young woman who, with her help, has shown me a glimmer of hope, a glimpse of what it's like to have someone care enough to want to help another person out of a kind of obligation to her fellow human being.  An obligation to be kind, to be empathetic, & showing that compassion isn't a lost art among the human race.

I wish only that, if she has kids (and I'm sure she probably does), she has taught them to have the same level of benevolence & humanity that she has shown me!  Taught them right from wrong, and that being an unnecessary asshat / assclown is NOT the goal.  That being hurtful is unacceptable behavior!!  Treating others badly, or being unsympathetic, un-empathetic, or otherwise being highly & inappropriately abusive to someone is also highly inappropriate behavior for anyone, anywhere.

But most of all, I wish for her to know that I remember that incident, and it forever changed my views of the human race.  That there are people in this world who believe in treating people w/ kindness, love, compassion, empathy/sympathy, & being helpful not hurtful!  Being of assistance, not being abusive!  It's because of her one act of compassion that I witnessed (she could've done much more, but that one with the little girl was what sticks in my mind) that helped reignite my interest in Star Trek, Star Wars, & the ideal that we should all be helping each other, rather than hurt ourselves & each other.  That acts of kindness, good deeds, good treatment of others are far more important than being affluent, being famous or a celebrity, or having any sort of high profile job or important title in any profession.  She's also the reason I want to be a musician!  To show people, to express my emotions & feelings about showing that same kindness to everyone is how we will survive this era in our world's history.

Emotional, physical, social, sexual, mental abuse is ALL bad!  Being the opposite of abusive should be the high goals of any one person. 

I know I'm repeating myself, but the film Aladdin reminds me of that young woman, & brings back those memories of that time in my life when I was becoming a teen, later a young adult, & not having the kind of normal life milestones that most people have due to multiple factors & reasons.

I want only to show people how much this young woman has impacted my life in a positive way.  To put on display how I felt during a tumultuous time in my life.  That is why music is so important to me!