Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Diapers are awesome!

I'm very thankful that I'm a diaper lover.  In a way, I'm thankful for being a former bedwetter, otherwise wearing adult diapers as an adult man would feel awful, even embarrassing, humiliating, & I'd also feel ashamed for not being able to control my bowels/bladder very well!

Imagine being told at age 10, & your parents telling you that you're the ONE & ONLY 10yr old bedwetter in the entire world.  That was the kind of psychological abuse that went on in my family.  That emotional abuse that was meant to be humiliating!  Such things were just awful!  

Thankfully, because of those awful experiences, the awful pain of being a child at the cusp of being a teenager who was also a bedwetter, I have welcomed being a diaper lover, a sexual virgin, & an unmarried man not creeped out by women who enjoy wearing diapers as well!

To be honest, at age 12 I would've given just about anything to know that there were indeed female bedwetters who had also been forced to wear diapers like I had been a few times during my childhood.  I wouldn't find out that fact until I was in my mid-teens & had been "cured"!  When I got older, and into my teens, I was eager to find via AOL (or any other internet connection) some female (teen girls at the time, later adult women) former bedwetter ladies, maybe even find a few diaper lovers  who were similarly brought up to believe that they were the ONLY child in the world who had bedwetting issues.  Of course, I don't have many (non-sexual & otherwise) lady friends, and the ones that I do have (all non-sexual platonic ones) are probably not really into kinks, so I don't blurt out loud my personal kinks, i.e. being a diaper lover, wearing adult diapers for fun, etc.

But, ironically, as a result of being a bedwetter, I ended up experimenting at 17 yrs old with wearing adult diapers.  Turned out that it was an awesome experience to not be at the mercy of a nearby restroom/bathroom/toilet.  That if I had an "uh-oh", it's no big deal!

A favorite tale of mine about being a diaper lover was when I had just started wearing adult diapers which in the true event tale was one of those "Uh-oh" moments.  I had just gotten a sample pack from HDIS, but I was concerned about the parental unit that I was living with at the time, during my senior year of high school in 1998 in Las Vegas, NV.  Pretty sure it was between my various surgeries, but before my graduation ceremony.  

It was on a typical Friday evening, and as usual no date, no girlfriend, not one thing I was interested in doing, but again, I just had surgery.  Between all of the pain medications, I was almost always not feeling well.  So, I had put one of the sample adult diapers that night, but I was unfamiliar with how to put them on, so I admittedly had to look up instructions on how to do for myself.  I had ZERO training in diaper duties, because I had zero experience dealing with babysitting duties.

After I was successful putting on my first adult diaper, I took one of my pain medications, and off to sleep I went.  The next morning, I had awakened to a sour tummy ache.  I thought I just had to fart, but it turned out to be one of those "Uh-oh" moments.  At first, I was terrified, having just shit myself while in bed.  Then I had realized that I had an adult diaper on, which protected my bed.  

Moments later, the 1/2 of the parental couple that had recently been divorced came bursting through my bedroom door having barely knocked at all.  I could've been fucking masturbating, but it would've made no difference to this parent.  She came in worried about me going to school that day.  "C'mon, you'll be late for school!", she exclaimed like I had completely forgotten about school.

I had to first calm down after being unduly alarmed, and then I told her in the nicest way possible, "Mom, it's a Saturday.  Since when does anybody go to school on a Saturday?"  She actually had to pause for that one, and actually think about it.  Then she said, "Oh, yeah I forgot that it was Saturday."

She immediately closed the door, and I went back to sleep, but I couldn't knowing that my adult diaper had a small mess in the rear.  And by small, I mean it was barely a pooling of the brown kind at all.  But I had to wait until the parental unit left to go out with friends that morning.

Bottom line was I was happy to be in adult diapers.  Previously, I had issues with bedwetting prior to age 13, having accidents while going to grade school/elementary school up until I was in 4th grade, & got better at asking to go use the bathroom/restroom at school so I wouldn't have an "Uh-oh" moment!

Long story short, those unpleasant experiences, even the ones when I had been forced into diapers (baby diapers) when I was 7 or 8 years old paved the way to me being a tried & true diaper lover.  And although I'm still hesitant to reveal that to my friends, and 98% of my family, who are almost all religious & felt I was the demon child spawn of Satan/The Devil or even Lucifer, and didn't hold me in high regard to begin with.  I mean, at this point, it wouldn't matter if I told them, but being an aspiring musician makes me reconsider whom I tell this secret to.  

I'd much prefer it be to a female intimate relationship partner.  Someone who understands that this is fun for me, except when the adult diapers become sort of required wearing for reasons of using medication that makes me constipated, which forces me to use OTC medications to counteract it.  The result is having an Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Irritable Bowel Disease.

Still, though, if I didn't enjoy wearing the adult diapers beforehand, I'd feel fucking depressed & ashamed to have to wear them.  So, I'm grateful that I can not only tolerate wearing them, but take pleasure in using them when I need to, and have more pleasure wearing them when I don't need to.

I guess some things are true about the idea that our past, no matter how great or how awful, shape our adult life in the future.  I wonder what I'd be like if I hadn't been a bedwetter, or if I hadn't met certain individuals.  If we do nothing else as adults, we should be setting the example that adult diapers are nothing to be ashamed about.  "Accidents happen" should be our top phrase, because they do, & the only thing we can do is accept that bathroom accidents will inevitably happen, and when they do, we can either be prepared (w/ adult diapers), or having to chuck our big boy (or big girl) panties down the trash in public (I admit I've done this when I was little) & replace them with new batches of underwear!

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