Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Simple Mission

The Search for the mythical Diaper Lover Ms. Right Mission!

I'm on a hunt!  My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find a woman who would be my Diaper Lover Ms. Right!  A DL soulmate, if you will, to share my diapered life with.  A woman at my side who, while wearing adult diapers herself, wants to make sure not only am I diapered up nearly 24/7, but that she'd do everything she can to make me comfortable, and allow me to do the same for her within my limitations.  

She'd know all of my secrets, including both my diaper lover side of my life as well as my desire (& my need) to be spanked when appropriate, but especially if I've done something stupid or wrong.  As in, she'd whoop my ass with my own belt if I did something awful like offend her terribly, or hurt her in some way (hopefully this'll never happen since I've renounced my late father's ways including how he mistreated my mother repeatedly with abusive behavior mostly intoxicated by drugs & alcohol) whether emotionally, physically, or any combination of those & other types of abuse.  Also, she'd be giving me a spanking for not doing something she asked me to do, or that I didn't do my house chores, or failed in doing my own daily living routines.  

Having Accidents

It wouldn't be so bad if my accidents were when I'm wearing my diapers. Unfortunately, they always seem to happen when I'm wearing my pullups, & then I have to race to my bathroom to avoid accidents. Putting my walking boot on 1st to walk. Sometimes I don't make it on time!

I have to admit that I often wish this mythical girlfriend/wife #DiaperLover #MsRight would be part of my life, just without the sexual component. There's lots we could do together without being sexually active. Besides, no one needs a little Firechicken jr. running around in the world!

But I'd be happy to change her, spank her if she's been naughty, but also let her reciprocate those things to me when I need them. Especially the spankings. Lord only knows that I may require some "motivational" disciplinary punishment, i.e. getting spanked w/ my own belt!

Still, it would be a treat just to have the mythical diaper lover Ms. Right girlfriend/wife that I'd get to see diapered up, and having issues with "accidents" like myself.  Like legit she has accidents for any number of reasons, but also loves to wear diapers for fun.  I have to believe she's out there just waiting for someone like me to be part of her life, and that she wants to be part of a man's life like my own.  

There's an old saying that for every person in this world, there is a complimentary individual who is just right for them, somewhere out there waiting to be found, or that they're looking for us.  It's just that sometimes we settle for someone who may not be suitable to our individual needs & desires.

Maybe this is why I've always felt like I don't belong anywhere.  I'm an oddball for sure.  I'm blind in one eye, I've got multiple disabilities & medical/health problems.  I don't with people very much due to being a social introvert.  I don't like "small talk", and I don't enjoy crowds, parties, or being the spotlight of attention.  All I've ever wanted was to get through this life with as little pain as possible, but I've secretly desired to have a girlfriend/wife in my world.  Someone who enjoys much of the same things I enjoy.  But particularly likes wearing diapers, sees the practicality of wearing them, as well as understands that wearing diapers can be a sign of strength rather than a weakness, seeing them as an advantage rather than a disadvantage.  A woman who appreciates that diapers can be a way to provide herself (& myself as well) comfort, as well as peace of mind knowing that if either of us has a potty emergency turned accident while in adult diapers, that it's NOT the end of the world, and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.  Because the term "shit happens" applies, and potty accidents are no exception.  It's simply a fact of life that everyone at some point will have a potty emergency/accident.  Doesn't mean there's something wrong necessarily.  But diapers do have one advantage in that they are produced to help us protect our clothes and bedding in the event we are unable to control our bladders and/or bowels.

And that's okay!  That's why diapers are made in the first place.  I just hope that my search will not be pointless.  I admit that I may have to learn to be more vulnerable when meeting a woman I find attractive physically, emotionally, intellectually, as well as her personality.  I have to learn to recognize the cues she gives off to indicate that she may have interest, i.e. being flirty and not just being courteous as part of her job.  

I have to learn that if I want to find my mythical girlfriend/wife diaper lover, I have to start being more open, more approachable, and be able to approach a woman that I feel could be worthwhile to engage in a pleasant conversation about... well a range of topics I enjoy.

First off, I'm a hardcore science & science fiction nerd.  I find intelligence to be fucking sexy, but not quite as sexy as women who wear diapers.  But I digress.  I enjoy things like reading, writing, playing music both on my headphones as well as tinkering with my piano keyboard, playing video games (especially RPG puzzle type games) watching movies/TV especially Star Trek & Star Wars, fixing things like electronics and computer systems, and yes wearing my diapers too.  

Talk to me about when I owned a 1996 Pontiac Firebird (that's where "F1r3ch1ck3n"/Firechicken comes from).  Talk to me about when I met my late cousin's two beautiful and lovely young daughter(s).  Talk to me about looking up at the night sky wondering when deep space travel will be a thing.  Talk to me about my geek stuff, being nerdy, or how I like to learn multiple languages.  Talk to me about learning to play piano, guitar, the drums, etc.

Talk to me about my favorite music & musicians.  Ask me about what my dreams are, both the secret ones that I have not told anybody else in my family as well as the more impossible fantasy ones.  Remember, I never fantasize about having sex with women.  Just fantasies about women who wear diapers, but never dream about me being with women in general.  It's something I've struggled all of my life to do.  I'm attracted to women, being heterosexual, but I have just never been able to picture myself being in a woman's life, & her being in mine.  I was told that to do so is bad, and that any attempt to visualize a fictional woman being with me is being inappropriate.  I don't know why, but because of that maybe that's why I can't.  The moment I do, my mind just shuts down the fantasy, like it says "You're not allowed to have that fantasy!!  Ever!"

But someday, I hope to meet the woman who changes that.  A woman who I not only fall in love with, but that I can fantasize about being with her, and being diapered up alongside her being diapered up.  And we do things together while we're both diapered up.  Maybe even fantasize that we hire a nanny who makes sure we both get spankings when we deserve it!

All I know is that I'd trade almost any of my possessions as well as my knowledge to know what it's like to be part of an attractive diapered up woman's life.  Holding her hand.  Cuddling with her.  Going out to dinner or having date nights with her.  Meeting her friends and family, and her meeting mine.  We get a house together, and we make one room a diaper room.  

And we play video games together, write and play music together either on piano, guitar, the drums, or a combination of the three.  And our nanny gives us "motivational" spankings.  And we go to bed & sleep together while in our diapers after given medicine to make sure we have messy accidents by morning.

I sure hope I find this mythical diaper lover girlfriend/wife.  And soon.  I'm 40 years old, still happily a virgin man.  And I hope I someday find this mythological woman who I want to have a romantic and intimate relationship with.  All while we wear diapers together at home, and when we go on dates together.

I can only hope that someday comes soon that I meet this diaper lover Ms. Right.  And that we live a diapered happily ever after! 👍🏻😎👍🏻

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